Applications open: Summer School 2024!

Applications are now open for the 2024 Summer school – The Feminist Philosopher, the Nomad, The Posthuman: A Week With Rosi Braidotti

This summer school course retraces Rosi Braidotti’s scholarly itinerary through a close reading of the figurations that have structured her thinking over the last 30 years. These are: the feminist philosopher,  the nomad, and the posthuman. Each figuration is linked to a series of key publications and to a specific moment of Rosi Braidotti’s critical engagement with the cartographies of the present. The reading material for the intensive course will be selected from the key publications, although participants are also welcome to propose some of their favourites. Attention will be given also to Braidotti’s engagement with the arts and media performances, which has been lively over the years. The aim of the course is to provide a stimulating overview of Rosi Braidotti’s life-long effort to combine critique with creativity and radicalism with excellence.

The 2024 intensive Summer School course aims to dig deeper into and provide an extensive overview of Rosi Braidotti’s many essential contributions to the academic, political, and social world over her career, illuminating the converging work of the generations that followed through guest-lectures and panel discussions with those who have worked closely with Braidotti’s innovative work. As such the course will explore matters and methods of inter/trans and post-disciplinarity, post/decolonialism, posthumanism, as well as critical feminist theory and artistic practices.

The course will take place in person, at Utrecht University, with 30 participants. Selection of this course will be done by Professor Braidotti herself.

For more information, visit the Utrecht Summer School website or contact Visit Instagram for updates!

Study load

MORNINGS: 9:30-11 Lectures by Rosi Braidotti and selected guests, with Q&A

11:15-12:30 Open discussion or panel discussions


14-14:45 Short talks by invited guests

15-17 Seminar session with Rosi Braidotti : panel presentation by 6 participants on mandatory reading material


  • Course fee: €1000.00

All profits made from the summer school will go to the ROSANNA Fund which gives scholarships to women who have limited financial means and who need financial support to help them pursue studies. For more information, see…

For this course you are required to upload the following documents when applying:

  • Motivation Letter
  • C.V.
  • Transcript of Grades
  • Reference Letter