On March 8 2018, Utrecht University is celebrating International Women’s Day with a program focused on gender, diversity and emancipation. We will present lectures (in Dutch) by Prof. Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes and Ms Lidwien Poorthuis in the morning; a lecture in English by Prof. Anneke Smelik (RU) in the afternoon, which will be followed by the award ceremony of the 2018 ROSANNA Fund grants.
This program is a co-production by different organisations on campus: the Women’s Network of Utrecht University Employees; the ROSANNA Fund and the hub ‘gender and diversity’ within the research programme Institutions for Open Societies. The afternoon will be devoted to the ROSANNA event.
- DATE : March 8 2018 10:45-17:00 – please note the ROSANNA Fund programme starts at 13:30
- PLACE: Universiteit Utrecht, Drift 21, Lecture room 032
- Entrance is free, but registrations are necessary: registrations
- The ROSANNA Fund event can also be followed via YouTube Live Stream on March 8, starting at 13.30 local time on this link
We look forward to welcoming you at the second ROSANNA Fund award ceremony.
Rosi Braidotti en Anneke Smelik
The ROSANNA Fund has been founded by Rosi Braidotti and Anneke Smelik with the goal of stimulating the academic education of talented women at Utrecht University. It is aimed at women researchers at crucial points in their careers. ROSANNA provides them with financial assistance to reach the next professional step: a scholarship for a PhD or a post-doc, help with publications or study visits abroad, support to get a tenured position or a professorship.