Masterclass on Posthumanism and Deleuze with prof. Rosi Braidotti

This Masterclass for selected graduate students, PhD candidates and early career scholars offers a privileged access to the work of Rosi Braidotti, particularly regarding her position on posthumanism and her views on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. During their stay in Rome, participants will engage in debates with Rosi Braidotti herself, who will also provide feedback on the work the participants will present during their stay. Moreover, participants will get the opportunity to assist to two major international conferences where Braidotti acts as a keynote lecturer: a conference specifically dedicated to her work on the Posthuman and its relevance in the Italian context (hosted at the KNIR), and the 2016 annual Deleuze conference on Virtuality, Becoming and Life (hosted at Roma Tre University). Participants in this Masterclass will get the opportunity to reflect on the results of these conferences in an intensive dialogue with Rosi Braidotti, and may profit from her guidance while drafting the final essays they need to submit in order to conclude this Masterclass.

The Masterclass is open to a maximum of 10 selected students at (R)MA or PhD-level, as well as to early career researchers in the humanities and beyond.

The Masterclass is organised by and hosted at the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR), in conjunction with the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis (NICA), the Netherlands Research School for Media Studies (RMes) and the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (OSL).

Staff: KNIR-fellow prof.dr. Rosi Braidotti (Utrecht University), in conjunction with prof.dr. Harald Hendrix (KNIR, coordination).

Credits: 5 ects, assigned upon completion of the final essay.

Languages used in the Masterclass: English (& passive Italian).

Assessment: on-site oral presentations, active contribution to plenary discussions, participation in conference, assignments and a final essay to be submitted after the stay in Rome.

Deadline for submission: 15th May 2016

Find all information on application procedure, bursaries and accommodation on theĀ KNIR website.