What is the idea of the university today? What kind of possible futures can we envision for knowledge production in general and for the Humanities in particular?
Centre for the Humanities invites you to investigate these and other related questions during The Idea of the University conference, which will take place in Utrecht on 19-20 Spetember, 2013.
Speakers are among others:
The futurist Gerd Leonhard on the future of knowledge
Journalist Alexander Still on the future of the past
Philosopher Henk Oosterling on the public role of the intellectual
With this conference we hope to engage young or starting academics and intellectuals who are interested in the future of the university, who are worried about the future of the Humanities and who would like to think with us on the public role of the intellectual.
Participation is free of charge, lunches are included.
For more information and registration visit the Centre for the Humanities website.